Consultoría política Euskadi Ahead

01. Consulting and advocacy

From Ahead, we advise on campaigns and projects, we help you in the interpretation of public opinion and the different factors that influence political reality. We work from a planned action and solid sources of knowledge that allow us to analyze reality.


  • Analysis and monitoring of legislation, public policies and specific regulations.
  • Political advocacy.
  • Context reports, interpretation of public opinion, situation and trends.
  • Action plans and awareness and dissemination campaigns.
  • Election campaigns, permanent campaigns.
  • Design of events, publications, etc.
Ahead consultoría especializada
Consultoría política instituciones públicas

02. Public Affairs

From Ahead, we collaborate with public institutions in the development of their institutional policies, plans and campaigns. We contribute to institutional relations and support institutional communication.


  • Development of public policies and institutional plans.
  • Design of institutional campaigns.
  • Reports and sector projects.
  • Institutional communication.
Consultoría innovación sostenibilidad tecnología

03. Strategy and positioning

From Ahead, we help you position and adapt your strategy to the energy transition, the circular economy, the promotion of biodiversity and the processes of digitization of the economy and life. We accompany the transformation of your organization and programs with a gender perspective and from an environmental sustainability perspective.


  • Positioning and strategy.
  • Review and support in the transformation.
  • Midterm and final evaluations.
  • Corporate Social Responsibility.
  • Good practices and Benchmarking.